Sunday, 23 September 2012


Assalamualaikum BROTHERS and SISTERS..

Sweet is the pleasure after pain
Is that possible?yes,it is.

this life is blended with lots of flavors
i mean its not really can be tasted using our taste buds   : P
but it has different values to different people,
different meaning,different taste.

Yes I do not know what kind of hardship have you been through,
I do not know how much your money,time and energy that have been wasted,

I just want to let these people know that
pain is actually a trial
A trial that Allah gave to us
because He already provides the biggest sweetness of life that we'll never know.

Have you forgot what have our Prophet Muhammad SAW and His companions been through before,
I believe their pain cannot be compared to ours.
they have been through among the hardest trials in life.
But at the end,subhanallah Allah actually awarded them the best prize ever,
that is the HEAVEN.

whatever pain you've feel
Please...always remember that Allah is actually with you,
Allah is always listening to you..

Have you ever THINK of  the difference between a life with full of pain,hardship
and a life without any pain,happy??
If we are going to be successful at the end,

which one would make us feel better?
which one could make us to be grateful?
which one could help us to discover the true meaning of life?
which one would give us the chance to taste the SWEETNESS of life?
ask your inner self.

brothers and sisters,
be strong,keep holding on to our deen,
only after PAIN,we will GAIN.

Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. 
Al-Baqarah : 286

think about life.
think how to make it better.


  1. life is colorful and its beautiful..
    pahit,manis hidup itu menjdikan ia warna-warni.
    if our life is just fill with happiness it'll mke us didn't know e aim of our life.
    but if it's only fill with sadness it'll mke us feel bored.
    that's y Allah create our life wth happiness n sadness 2gther.
    n believe it:Allah knows e bset 4 us n HE KNOWS EVRTHNG.. :)

  2. subhanallah,yes totally agree...and thats a very beautiful comment..thanks :)

  3. wlcme..
    student UIA,mknanya d gombak @ pj skrg??
